
Configure Boost in Xcode

Boost is a set of C++ libraries including over 160 libraries providing extra functions in algorithms, data structure, memory, and some other categories. I am going to use some functions in boost. Here is how to configure Boost in Xcode. Installation After downloading and extract the source files, enter the extracted directory and type ./bootstrap.sh --prefix=/usr/local/boost_1_75_0 ./b2 install prefix part sets the location to install bootstrap. Configure In Xcode, click the project in left panel and the settings of the project will show.

Read vcf.bgz file from gnomAD with HTSlib

gnomAD is very convinient. However, it can only provide the variants in a gene or a region. I am going to provide a software tool that search through the whole genome and output the variants after filtering with the criteria defined by users. The under developing code can be found at https://github.com/peng-gang/ReadGnomad. It is interesting that I can use function ‘bcf_read1’ to read records in vcf.bgz file. The output of this function is a data struction with compressedd information.

Use HTSlib in Xcode

Recently I am going to use HTSlib to read variant file from gnomAD without decompress those extrodinary large files. After I installed the HTSlib, I tried the exmaple code fro GitHub site of HTSlib. There are many compiling errors. First, Xcode cannot find the header files. The default installment directory of HTSlib for header and library files are “/usr/local/include”” and “/usr/local/lib” fox MacOS. The problem is Xcode does not include the two in its searching path.